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Develop fully customized programs to address each client’s unique and dynamic environment.

Develop and manage marketing campaigns.

Coordinate development and launch of new products or services.

Design, coordinate and execute direct mail strategies.

Generate ideas, manage from start to finish, produce and implement events and activations (i.e. Grand openings, product demos, celebrity appearances, etc.).

Develop innovative staff incentive and recognition programs to encourage retention and loyalty.

Research and implement social media contests, employee spiffs, and sweepstakes.

Devise motivational techniques to trigger a desired response from prospects, clients, customers or employees.


Ensure every aspect of your brand leaves a great impression utilizing both digital and traditional marketing.

Create company name, logo, branding package, positioning statement and brand strategy.

Customize innovative and compelling programs to reach target audience. 

Coordinate the development of websites including updates to existing websites and increasing website functionality.

Analyze and re-develop image to increase market positioning.

Partner with other area businesses to establish, build, manage, and retain relationships.


SMG provides social media strategies tailored specifically to your business, using the best social media channels for your brand and goals.  

Email marketing can offer businesses many significant benefits including ROI (return on investment), customer loyalty, and an opportunity to increase brand awareness at a fraction of the cost of other, more traditional marketing avenues.

Ensure Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and back-end meta tagging is in place to boost rankings.  Evaluate and update code and provide analytics.

Build market presence to your target demographic utilizing effective digital content.

Create and distribute unique content for distribution across all channels that fit your brand.

Garner customers, brand recognition and audience-share.

Identify, create, secure and manage company database (both email and direct mail). 

Implement and execute lead generation and conversion programs to reach target audience.

Launch effective creative on targeted social platforms as best identified for your business (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).

Need a refresh or a new business website?  SMG provides development, digital integration, search engine optimization, and more, fully optimizing your website for conversions and revenue generating visits.


Outside-the-box and divergent thinking is a cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign. With SMG’s creative story-telling, we can drive your brand forward.

Produce creative and oversee all production and printing.

Produce digital creative content to support marketing/advertising campaigns.

Produce and execute signage initiatives including vehicle wraps, outdoor/billboards, building signage, banners, in-store signage, and point-of-purchase.


In our role as publicists, SMG employs journalistic backgrounds and attitudes to afford our clients impeccable communications skills and a thorough understanding of, and professional relationship with, the media.

Research and develop your industry’s media list.

SMG manages Public Relations efforts to all pertinent media including awards won, stores opened, new staff, product introductions/innovations, etc.

We strive to mesh sound public relations tactics with overall marketing strategies, creating a consistent and memorable message within a well-rounded campaign.

Our effective tools may range from publicity, collateral development, digital content, and employee communications to blogging, special events, and advertising.

SMG works with clients to boost their online reviews.  Online ratings and reviews can be the single most effective marketing channel for all businesses, especially local ones.


In our role as publicists, SMG employs journalistic backgrounds and attitudes to afford our clients impeccable communications skills and a thorough understanding of, and professional relationship with, the media.

Build your database and brand with engaging Research and implement social media contests, employee spiffs, and sweepstakes

Increase your incremental income while developing and implementing rewards strategies! We can help drive customer loyalty program engagement to new levels by creating innovative programs to core demographics.

Leverage relationships to implement programs linking and establishing long-lasting community partners.

Selling to your customer’s interests and engaging them on a one-on-one basis with personalized communications/messages can build their confidence and interest in you as a brand.

Develop innovative staff incentive and recognition programs to encourage retention and loyalty.


We dedicate ourselves to developing fully customized programs to address each client’s unique
and dynamic environment.

Increase your reach and brand awareness with the Search Engine favorite (SEO)…video marketing.

Develop and manage marketing campaigns.

Generate ideas, manage from start to finish, produce and implement events and activations (i.e. Grand openings, product demos, celebrity appearances, etc.).

Coordinate development and launch of new products or services.